Policies & Ethics
Open access policy
Grounded on the principle that research should be made available freely to the public for wider dissemination of knowledge, PJL provides open access (silver level) to all readers for a large selection of its articles. This gratis access ensures immediate availability and achieves a higher level of visibility for all articles accepted in PJL. Members of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines have the added privilege of gaining more access to articles.
Individuals with access can freely download and share the full texts of its articles for academic and research purposes.
Author Publication and Processing Fees
PJL does not require processing and publication charges.
Publication Ethics
PJL subscribes to the guidelines of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), Elsevier’s Publishing Ethics Guidelines, and COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
Rules on Authorship
PJL requires that authors meet the following qualifications: (1) significant contribution in the design, data collection, and analysis of the work; (2) involvement in the writing of the report; (3) final approval of the version to be published; (4) willingness to take accountability for the processes and product of the work. Please consult the guidelines.
The corresponding author is usually the senior researcher or the leader of the group. He/She communicates with the journal during the entire publishing process, sees to it that all journal requirements are met for publication, responds to post-publication queries, and ensures that only the rightful co-authors are included in the authorship.
Guidelines for Reviewers
Reviewers are to keep the information in reviewed papers strictly confidential. They are to refrain from openly discussing the articles assigned to them for evaluation prior to its publication. They must delete copies of reviewed manuscripts after the review process. Reviewers are to respond to review assignments and submit their evaluations with promptness. They are to state their honest and constructive reviews with politeness. Reviewers are to decline reviews if a conflict of interest exists.
Plagiarism and Originality
Following international standards of publication ethics, authors are enjoined to submit papers that are entirely their own original works and cite properly the works that they have used as resources for their works. Plagiarism is committed when an author takes someone else’s ideas without attribution, permission, or acknowledgment, making the readers believe that the text is the author’s own ideas. The works and ideas of others must be properly acknowledged. Data or information obtained through private conversation or correspondence, lectures, or interviews with informants must be reported with explicit written permission.
Duplicate, simultaneous, sliced publication
Authors should not submit for review previously published outputs in other journals nor submit the same papers at the same time in PJL and in other journals. In addition, authors should not slice or segment one paper which was investigated with the same research problem, participants, and methods into several publications. These actions are considered unethical.
Ethics involving human and animal subjects
The author must submit a research ethics clearance form/letter which includes a description of the data collection procedures involving humans or animals as subjects and a certification that the procedures performed were compliant to the institutional or national guidelines and applicable laws, that informed consent was sought prior to the involvement of human participants, and that the procedures had been approved by institutional or national research ethics committees.
Retraction or Correction Policy
Authors are under obligation to correct a significant error in their published works by notifying the editor-in-chief (EIC) of PJL or the publisher (LSP). They can either retract or correct the paper. The same action is expected of them in case a third party notifies the EIC or the publisher regarding a significant error in their published works. Alternatively, authors can provide evidence regarding the correctness of the published work in question.
Copyright Assignment
PJL will not consider submissions which are concurrently under consideration by other journal editors. Once an article is submitted to PJL, there is a default assumption that the article will not be submitted to other journals until a decision regarding its acceptance/non-acceptance has been communicated to the corresponding author. Once an article has been accepted, the author will sign and send LSP the author contract which assigns copyright to LSP. The author has the following rights granted by LSP:
1. LSP licenses the authors to re-publish the whole or part of the article in a printed output written, compiled or edited by the authors provided that the acknowledgement regarding first publication of the article in this journal is made and that the publication is subsequent to the first publication in this journal.
2. LSP allows the authors to reproduce photocopies of their articles or share electronic versions of their published articles (e.g., archive the article in an institutional repository or in the author’s personal website) for their teaching and research needs. The purpose for dissemination is not for commercial use.
Plagiarism Detection
PJL uses Turnitin as a plagiarism detection software. All articles submitted are not added to any repository. Similarity index of accepted articles should be below 10 percent.
Committee on Publication Ethics (2020). Retrieved from https://publicationethics.org/
Elsevier B.V. (2020) Publishing Ethics Guidelines. Retrieved from https://www.journals.elsevier.com/osteoporosis-and-sarcopenia/policies-and-guidelines/publishing-ethics-guidelines
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (2020). Retrieved from http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/