About the Philippine Journal of Linguistics
For 50 years, the LSP has been publishing its international peer-reviewed scholarly journal entitled the Philippine Journal of Linguistics (PJL). This is in line with the organization's thrust to advance language science in the Philippines. Such is possible through the help of brilliant and inquisitive minds, both local and foreign, who would like to understand and contribute further knowledge in linguistics centered around the Philippines, its people and languages.
It should be noted that “the production of knowledge in linguistics in the Philippines is largely the preoccupation of LSP, the only professional organization of linguists and language researchers in the country” (Dayag & Dita, 2012, p.1). Thus, from a single issue featuring eight full papers and three book reviews released in 1970, the Philippine Journal of Linguistics (PJL), the official journal of LSP, has reached its 50th volume, which helps LSP realize its mission of contributing to the body of knowledge through research publications.
PJL is considered to be a top journal on Philippine linguistics and has featured landmark studies and researches both by local and foreign academics. In fact, it may be reckoned that PJL was awarded as the best journal for 1980-1982 and the bestselling social science journal in 2018 by the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC).
Initially, PJL released two issues per year, one in June and one in December. However, beginning 2008 only one volume was printed every year.
PJL editorship, which remains pro bono, was under the following:
1970 – 1974: Teodoro A. Llamzon (Ateneo de Manila University)
1975 – 1993: Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC (De La Salle University)
1993 – 1994: Andrew B. Gonzales, FSC (De La Salle University), Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista (De La Salle University)
1995 - 1997: Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista (De La Salle University)
1998 – 2001: Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista (De La Salle University)
2002 – 2005: Danilo T. Dayag (De La Salle University)
2006 – 2007: Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista (De La Salle University)
2008 – 2010: Danilo T. Dayag (De La Salle University)
2013: Paolo Nino Valdez (De La Salle University)
2014: Isabel P. Martin (Ateneo de Manila University), Ruanni F. Tupas (National Institute of Education, Singapore), Marianne Rachel G. Perfecto (Ateneo de Manila University), Priscilla Angela T. Cruz (Ateneo de Manila University) (2014 Issue Editors)
2015: Alejandro S. Bernardo, Judith Ma. Angelica S. Claustro, Marilu R. Madrunio, Veronico N. Tarrayo, Camilla J. Vizconde (2015 Issue Editors) (University of Santo Tomas),
2016: Eden R. Flores (De La Salle University)
From 2017 until now, PJL has been edited by Michael Tanangkingsing of the National Taipei University of Technology.
The 50th anniversary special issue of PJL includes 12 articles featured in the past volumes of the journal. The compilation and publication of the Special Issue of PJL serves as one of the main highlights of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of LSP, which is in addition to the regular Volume 50 issued in December 2019.
Aims and Scope
The Philippine Journal of Linguistics, the official scholarly journal of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines, is an international peer-reviewed journal of research in linguistics. Published once a year in December, it aims to serve as a forum for original studies in descriptive, comparative, historical, and areal linguistics. Although its primary interest is in linguistic theory, it also publishes papers on the application of theory to language teaching, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, anthropological linguistics, forensic linguistics, etc. Papers on applied linguistics should, however, be chiefly concerned with the principles which underlie specific techniques rather than the mechanical aspects of such techniques. Articles are published in English, although papers written in Filipino, the national language of the Philippines, may occasionally appear. Since the Linguistic Society of the Philippines is composed of members whose paramount interest is the Philippine languages, papers on these and related languages are given priority in publication. This does not mean, however, that the Journal will limit its scope to the Austronesian language family. Studies on any aspect of language structure are welcome.
Publication Frequency
The journal comes out yearly in December.